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Sensitivity Analysis of Enlarging a Large-Diameter Shield Tunnel Using the Pile-Beam-Arch Method to Construct a Metro Station


A. Golshani / M. Sedghi

When the situation demands the construction of metro station beneath narrow roads, dense buildings or heavy traffic streets, enlarging process based on shield tunnel with Pile-Beam-Arch method would be an effective way to construct a metro station in comparison with other conventional methods. Based on geometrical and structural characteristics of the metro station, FLAC3D is used to build a three-dimensional model and to do a parameter sensitivity analysis on Pile-Beam-Arch method to analyze the effect of enlarging process on subsidence of a building nearby the tunnel zone. Two important factors which affect the subsidence of a building due to underground excavations are vertical and horizontal distance between them. Therefore, length to diameter ratio and depth to diameter ratio indicates their relationship with the safety of tunnel, station, and building. Influence degree and scope of the ground settlement are obtaining from changing two parameters. The relevant observations made in this study leads to a concept to have reasonable judgment about whether buildings are in a dangerous zone.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia