The Lung Shan Tunnel is the longest land-based road tunnel in Hong Kong, at 4.8km long, and forms part of the Heung Yuen Wai Highway. The route alignment is within a relatively rural area of Hong Kong, with very limited infrastructure works carried out nearby. It passes beneath both mountainous terrain and alluvial plains, and falls within an area of several major regional faults and associated metamorphism, resulting in a complex variety of ground conditions. The combination of traffic planning requirements, topography and ground conditions resulted in an alignment that presented several construction challenges, with varying tunnel profile and ground conditions. Following a detailed ground investigation which included extensive use of horizontal directional coring and geophysics the ground conditions along the tunnel alignment were characterised. Tunnel boring machine (TBM) and drill and blast (D&B) methods were mainly adopted at different locations along the Tunnel. Various approaches to the construction methodology (and hence the form of the permanent tunnel structure) were evaluated before finalisation of the contract documents. For better value for money and for enhancing buildability, bidding contractors were allowed to offer alternative options for a portion of the tunnel structure. The construction contract was awarded in 2013, with the contractor offering a solution that included turning a large diameter TBM underground, and enlarging a portion of Tunnel that had initially been excavated by TBM. The Heung Yuen Wai Highway was open to traffic in May 2019.