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New ACI 533 Guide - Design, Manufacturing, Construction and Durability Aspects of Precast Tunnel Segments


M. Bakhshi / e. Nasri

American Concrete Institute (ACI) as one of the most powerful advocates for concrete construction in the world is aiming to publish its first guide (ACI 533.5R) led by the authors of this paper on general aspects of precast tunnel segments. This paper is intended to present main features of the Guide including the most recent developments on all aspects of design, manufacturing and construction. This document is drafted based on the knowledge and the experience gained on projects in Asia, Europe, and North America, and available national and international reports and recommendations. Structural design for Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States during production, transportation, construction and final service stages are explained. Details of segmental ring geometry and systems, gaskets, connection devices, anchorage systems, tolerances, measurement and dimensional control, testing and durability are discussed. While some aspects of the Guide may only consider the procedures adopted by ACI, they can be extended to other national or international codes and used worldwide.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia