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The Three Rivers Protection and Overflow Reduction Tunnel (3RPORT) - Slurry TBM operation in difficult ground conditions


P. Perazzelli / R. Schuerch / G. Moranda / M. Piemontese / L. Pizzarotti / E. Tamburri

The 3RPORT tunnel is part of the Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) of the City of Fort Wayne (Indiana, USA) having the main goal to reduce the discharge of untreated Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) and improve water quality in Fort Wayne’s CSOimpacted streams. The tunnel will have a length of about 7.5 km, an internal diameter of 4.87 m, and is excavated by means of a slurry TBM. The tunnel is excavated through carbonate rocks at a maximum depth of 60 m and runs mainly underneath the Maumee and St. Mary’s rivers. Due to the presence of open vertical and horizontal discontinuities, the hydraulic conductivity is expected to be extremely high, making the management of the water inflow during TBM advance and during standstill an important challenge of the project. The first part of the paper outlines the expected geotechnical conditions and discusses their impact on the TBM operation while the second part of the paper presents the experience gained from the excavation of the initial portion of the tunnel.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia