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Numerical Modelling of Bolt Corrosion Impact on Performance of Segmental Shield Tunnel Lining


D. Zhang / J. Zhang / B. Zhang / T. Luo

Bolt corrosion has been encountered more often for tunnels embedded under water or in saturated soils with the tunnel operation time. The corrosion of tunnel bolts will definitely reduce the rigidity and ultimate bearing capacity of tunnel lining, increase the deformation of the tunnel convergence, and thus endanger the safety of the tunnel structure. In this paper, the Shanghai metro tunnel with the diameter of 6.2m and the Mawan cross-sea tunnel with the diameter of 15m are taken as the research background, respectively. The software ABAQUS is used to simulate the bolt corrosion impact on the performance of shield tunnel. Three parameters, including the corrosion locations of the joint bolts, the buried depth of the tunnel and the strata condition, are considered to study the damage of bolt corrosion on the performance of the tunnel structure, in terms of the joint opening, the convergence of the tunnel lining and bolt stress. The results show that the corrosion damage of the joint bolt will increase the convergence of the tunnel lining, the opening of the joint at the springline and crown of the tunnel, and affect the stress of bolt according to its position in the tunnel.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia