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Leveraging Super-Computing and High-Density LiDAR Technologies for Real-Time Verification and Rectification of Tunnel Construction against Design


B. Chen / D. Mares / N. Carter / P. Ayres / G. Voysey

Tunnels constructed around the globe utilise the common excavation cycle methodology of construct, verify, and rework where necessary. This methodology typically requires verification of the surveyed as-built results against design for each stage of the excavation cycle. Leveraging the latest in high-speed computing paired with high-density LiDAR technology can provide the basis for construction personnel to access near real-time, spatially correct information relating to construction elements compared to a design model. This has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of excavation and reduce wastage in tunnel construction. This paper is based on state-of-theart LiDAR technology (GML) developed by GroundProbe and features a near real-time analysis component that enables a feedback loop within typical construction cycles which has the potential to eliminate rework associated with typical tunnelling operations. With specific reference to road header tunnelling excavation and the subsequent Sprayed Concrete Lining (SCL), it can be shown that this technology can be used to provide live guidance to the SCL operator, such that the operator can spray to design thickness and determine adequate coverage prior to completion of the activity. The GML technology has the potential to change widely used, common construction methodologies by allowing construction verification and rectification to be completed during the current construction stage. This paper will also present the results from the use of this technology in major Australian tunnel projects and showcase the significant cost savings achieved from reducing rework and shotcrete usage.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia