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Experimental Study on Strength and Deformation of Fiber Blended Drymix Mortar Sprayed in Order to Prevent a Rockfall from Cutting Face


S. Ito / N. Kikkawa / K. Sakai / N. Hiraoka

In this study, we sprayed a fiber blended drymix mortar, and a concrete with powdered or liquid accelerator to a rough plate of granite mounted on a punching experimental equipment. Those strength and deformation were measured and compared by its equipment with a three-dimensional laser scanner. As a result, the redundancy of the fiber blended drymix mortar sprayed was superior to that of the concrete with powdered/liquid accelerator. Especially, the area of deformation on the surface of the mortar during punching is much larger than that of the concrete, and that would enable to find out the foretaste of rockfalls easier when monitoring the face using laser displacement transducers, total stations, three-dimensional laser scanners and so on.

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Year 2020
City Kuala Lumpur
Country Malaysia