With the rapid development of urbanization in China, a large amount of metro constructions have been carried out in recent years. Dozens of shield TBMs driving simultaneously in the downtown area has raised up challenges for more efficient construction management. The lack of timely information communication and cooperation between all the participants involved in the project, especially the engineers on the ground and the workers in the tunnel, will cause some severe consequences during shield tunnelling construction, such as extreme deformation of adjacent buildings, unexpected time delay, etc. Usually operators in the TBM operation room can hardly know the deformation information on the ground in real time, sometimes they are even not familiar with the soil types and adjacent buildings due to the insufficient experience of shield tunnelling. Meanwhile the experienced engineers spent most of their time on the ground and they can only have access to the tunnelling parameters when they are in the monitoring center on the ground, which are the most adopted but time consuming and labor-intensive ways in China nowadays. Other participants, such as owners, may have litter information about the tunnelling situation until some problems occurred. As a result, a mobile application has been developed to demonstrate the tunnelling information in the real-time for all the participants.There are four kinds of data we are interested in including the plan view of the tunnel, the soil information, the tunnelling parameters and the monitoring data. The ring No. is the key joint of all data. We use the ring No. to locate the shield TBM in the plane view map and the cross-section view map. The former one is realized by the means of Baidu Map API technology (Application Programming Interface, API). The geodetic coordinates are extracted from the design drawing using Auto CAD re-development technology and coordinate transformation algorithms are conducted to match the different coordinate systems. The latter one is just a fixed-size colour picture of the cross-section view map containing the tunnel segments arrangement, the soil types distinguished by colours, and the adjacent buildings. The picture is updated from the cloud server every ring, which is quite suitable to display in the mobile phone. The TBM position is determined with the relative coordinates of the corner points and the rings on the fixed-size picture. Then the tunnelling parameters are obtained from the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller, PLC) data in the shield machine, which are exhibited in the list view. The automatic monitoring data can be shown in the realtime with the help of wireless network. The monitoring points are also marked on the Baidu Map. The mobile application has been validated in the Nanning metro line 1.