When the first trains arrived in Brazil in the mid-nineteenth century, the national railway engineering effectively followed the practices adopted in countries that were more developed in this sector. However, the country has undergone some economic and political changes that have resulted in the concentration of investments in road transport. As a result, railway engineering has become outdated and obsolete, with specialized technicians using standards and practices adopted in road transport. However, this modal of transport, despite having some similarities, have characteristics that differ them intensely, such as weight, traffic, operation, among others. This means that some standards or practices generally adopted for road transport are not interesting in railways, and the need to develop standards and practices unique to this complex and unique way of life is emerging. Specifically addressing the topic of “tunnels”, there is a lot of production of standards, guidelines, manuals and scholarly works for road transport, while documents geared specifically to railway tunnels are practically nonexistent in national technical and academic production. In view of this scenario, this work focuses on the study of characteristics peculiar to rail transport, specifically in the development of general guidelines that can guide railway technicians in the analysis and design of tunnel projects. Transport; Road; Railway; Freight; Cargo; Tunnels.