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Single Shield TBM Performance Analysis in Mixed ground Conditions: A Case Study in the Dudullu Bostanci Metro Tunnel, Turkey


D. Tumac / M. Seyedrrzaei / E. Koc

The performance analysis of single shield TBMs in mixed ground conditions in the Dudullu-Bostanci tunnel is presented in this study. Dudullu-Bostanci Metro Project is a mega underground construction project being constructed in Asian part of Istanbul, which runs approximately north to south under the densely-populated Anatolian side of the city. Four earth pressure machines (EPB-TBMs) having 6.57m diameter involves in the construction of 14.3 km of underground metro line from Bostanci to Dudullu, along with 13 stations, will be entirely located underground at an average depth of about 30 m. Kurtköy, Aydos, Gözdağ, Tuzla and Trakya Formations encountered during the excavation of the tunneling route. The strength of encountered formations along the tunnel route varied from low strength (silt, sand, sand-silt), medium strength (limestone, sandstone) to high strength (Basalt, Diabase). Excavation in both hard rock and soft ground are experienced in the studied area. EPB-TBMs faced hard rocks like limestones, sandstones and soft grounds like silt, sand, sand-silt during the excavation in the tunneling route.The effects of some geological properties on performances of the EPB-TBMs used in Dudullu-Bostanci metro tunnel project in the selected area are summarized in this paper. The factors affecting the performance of the EPB-TBMs, machine utilization time within the tunnel route, the geology of the formations, the effect of these parameters on the machine operational parameters are discussed in detail.At first, the project, geology, and the characteristics of the EPB-TBMs are given in detail. Field performance measurement of EPB-TBMs are considered during the tunneling operation. By considering the geology of the tunnel route and using the created data base, analyses were made on torque, thrust, rpm, specific energy (SE) and field penetration index (FPI). Machine utilization time (MUT) was also calculated by taking into the consideration of ring installation, stoppage and breakdown times.At the end of the study, performance of these machines were analyzed and discussed to accumulate data for further applications in similar ground conditions in Istanbul. Tunnel Boring Machine. Machine Utilization Time. Excavation Performance.

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Year 2018
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates