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Tunnel excavation through a building piled foundation


D. Simic / B. Martínez-Bacas / P. Simic

The main problem addressed in this paper is a methodology to assess the effects of tunnel excavation passing directly underneath piled buildings, truncating several of the foundation piles, evaluating the effects on the structures as well as the corresponding risk level. In any case, it must be taken on account that any disruption in the normal life of the installations will not be permitted and, therefore, the assessment of the structure movements due to foundation pile settlements will define the risk level to be expected.In fact, the problem can be assimilated to a calculation of pile settlements. So, in this paper we will justify the characteristics needed for a model to represent adequately the problem, in particular the 3D characteristics of the problem, which cannot be represented by a plane strain model introducing the tunnel volume loss as input to obtain the foundation movements. Additionally, from the geotechnical point of view, the model should cater for the non linear behaviour of the ground to be excavated, particularly in small strain situation. Key Words: Tunnel excavation, Settlement, Piles.

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Year 2018
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates