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Variations of Atterberg Limits of Clays and Their Chemical Mechanism Due to Soil Conditioning

Variations of Atterberg Limits of Clays and Their Chemical Mechanism Due to Soil Conditioning


S. Wang / P. Liu / H. Wang

To determine of ideal type and content of soil conditioners for earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunneling in clayey ground, this study investigates effects of soil conditioners on Atterberg limits of clays and conditioning mechanism based on their chemical effects. The applicability of soil conditioners (including foam and dispersant) was determined based on the changes of Atterberg limits of the bentonite with addition of the soil conditioners, and then the Zeta potentials and repulsive energy among particles with different dispersant contents were measured to analyze chemical conditioning mechanism of the dispersant. The study shows that it was difficult to achieve ideal effect only by using anionic-cationic foam individually. The dispersant decreased the liquid limit and plasticity index of the clay, thus it can decrease the shear strength. Therefore, the dispersant is more suitable for clay conditioning. With the increase in dispersant content, the Zeta potential decreased continually (i.e., negative charge increased) in the bentonite solution.

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Year 2018
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates