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Vulnerability of shotcrete on tunnel walls during construction blasting

Vulnerability of shotcrete on tunnel walls during construction blasting


L. Ahmed

Detonation of explosives during excavations of tunnels and underground spaces give rise to stress waves that transport energy through the rock and these may, depending on the magnitude of the waves, cause severe damage to permanent installations and support systems within the rock, such as shotcrete. Today there are no reliable and established guidelines for when blasting can be allowed close to shotcrete support systems. In this study, a finite element model specially adapted for analysis of the shotcrete behaviour is tested, to study the effect of vibrations on young and recently applied shotcrete. The modelling results are compared with in-situ measurements and observations, from construction blasting during tunnelling through hard rock. This work was initiated to provide a basic knowledge to serve as recommendations for practical use in civil engineering underground work, tunnelling and mining. Examples of preliminary recommendations for practical use are given.Shotcrete, Tunnelling, Vibrations, FE Model, Young Shotcrete.

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Year 2018
City Dubai
Country United Arab Emirates