In the last years, the tunnelling industry is increasingly faced with a demand for expertise in the design and installation of anchors to concrete. This is also made evident in construction with recent publications that are now the basis in anchor design, specification, and installation, such as the Code of practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors, the Eurocode 2 - Part 4 “Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete”, and various guidelines by owners of tunnels. These documents do not only witness the high level of sophistication needed nowadays but also the increased need of the industry for furthering the know-how and the regulatory framework on fastenings. At the same time, particular focus has been drawn in the last years to the long-term performance of fastenings. This paper aims to summarise the experiences from recent research and design practice for fastenings in the past, and to highlight anticipated future developments in the engineering and technology of fixings for tunnel fit-outs design and maintenance.