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Launching structures for tbm tunnelling. Design and purpose

Launching structures for tbm tunnelling. Design and purpose


L. M. Pinillos Lorenzana / N. Rubiralta Moyà

Different TBM launching structures can be designed for different situations and projects, depending on many factors. The constructability of those structures and many other constrains related to the safety and functionality, must be taken into consideration during the design to fulfil their purpose. Collecting many types of TBMs experiences and different TBM launching requirements, some solutions are presented to highlight some remarks and considerations, which are explained in this paper. From previous experiences, some basic important ranges of design values and recommendations are included, in order to provide some assistance during the design stages. Reaction frame disassembly depends on many factors and sometimes due to particular project constrains, an early removal is needed.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway