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Design of a large metro station cavern in weak rocks


M. Semeraro / L. Delmas / T. Chauvin

The Lot 1 of Paris metro line 11 consists in 3,6km of tunnels and 4 underground stations in an urbanized environment. The design has been performed by SYSTRA, construction has begun in 2016. The station “Dhuys” consisting of a deep shaft and a 50m long mined tunnel will be realized in the plastic and expansive marly soils of “Ludien” through an instable slope beneath several buildings with a small overburden. A preliminary test-field has been executed in order to better characterize the soil properties, test the soil grouting alternatives and investigate the construction methods. The trialfield works consisted in the excavation of shaft 25m of depth, an exploratory tunnel 10m long and several tests of compensation grouting. The tunnel has been monitored in deformations and stresses during construction. The paper presents the design approach for the cavern, the results of the backanalysis and in-situ tests used to calibrate the geotechnical parameters and to define the mitigation measures.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway