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Predicting Roadheader Performance by using Portable Linear Cutting Machine


H. Copur / C. Balci / D. Tumac / C. Polat

Roadheaders are widely used in mining and tunneling industry. A portable linear cutting machine (PLCM) has been developed within a project supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK 112M859) for the performance prediction of mechanical excavators used in mining and tunneling applications. A field study was performed in Amasya Suluova Coal Mine owned by PLT Mining Company, where two axial type roadheaders are working parallel to each other to excavate the inclined main galleries. Field performance values were measured and some rock samples were taken from the face. After, rock samples were subjected to further laboratory tests (rock mechanics and rock cutting). Finally, field performance results are compared with existing models that are present in the literature.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway