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Practical Relevance of Rheology of Foam-conditioned Sands in EPB Tunneling

Practical Relevance of Rheology of Foam-conditioned Sands in EPB Tunneling


M. Thewes / M. Galli

At the previous WTC 2016, the rheological characterization of soil-foam mixtures was presented by means of the slump test. Measurements from numerous slump tests were considered in analytical models enabling a derivation of rheological parameters. In this publication, the rheological analysis of soil-foam mixtures is extended to rheometer testing. By conducting experiments on different scales, information on the flow behavior of conditioned soil is transferred from the laboratory to real-world tunneling with EPB shield machines. Thus, the impact of the different mixture constituents on the flow behavior can be evaluated. Suggestions will be presented for tunneling practice improving soil conditioning by in-situ measurements in the excavation chamber.

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway