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A DFN-LiDAR-optical sensor method for the estimation of rockmass conditions in underground projects


M. S. Diederichs / N. Vlachopoulos / I. Vazaios / B. J. Forbes

A sound and economical underground project design depends on a realistic geological model, a quality rockmass characterization and an informed assessment of other influencing factors. However, due to the lack of truly three-dimensional subsurface fracture geometry data, this reality is rendered difficult. In order to overcome this, the use of Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs) is becoming increasingly common. Such models can serve as useful tools for estimating the interconnectedness (and kinematic mobility) of the discontinuities. The necessary input parameters for the modelling process can be obtained by employing various techniques, and more specifically with the use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR).

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Year 2017
City Bergen
Country Norway