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Simulation-based TBM performance prediction

Simulation-based TBM performance prediction


M. Thewes / R. Duhme / T. Rahm / M. Scheffer / A. Conrads / M. König

Fast growing urban areas put high requirements on the existing infrastructure systems. Due to limited surface space in this high populated areas the demand for underground projects increased continiousily in the last few decades. Frequently, finished projects do not reach the highest possi-ble production performance. Reasons for this are complex and can often not be identified clearly. The reasons can lie in an insufficient planning of logistic processes or jobsite supply chain man-agement. Further, technical disturbances due to ineffective maintenance strategies can lead to unplanned stoppages. In general, a mix of different performance reducing events lead to an ineffi-cient project. Thus, to find the key elements is difficult but necessary in order to improve the per-formance of further projects.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia