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Marsh Funnel testing for rheology analysis of bentonite slurries for Slurry Shields

Marsh Funnel testing for rheology analysis of bentonite slurries for Slurry Shields


M. Thewes / B. Schoesser

For the face support during slurry shield tunnelling, the rheology of the bentonite suspension has to meet strict requirements. Determination of the rheological properties follows the international standards API 13B [1] and DIN 4126 [2]. On the construction site, simple and robust measurement methods are required for quality control of the suspension parameters during the tunnelling process. Here, the Marsh-funnel is commonly accepted as a useful and reliable measuring device. The Marsh-time is recorded in [s] for a certain suspension volume. Based on this “single point measurements” only relative conclusions are derived concerning the viscosity of the bentonite suspension.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia