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Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel: a successful job-site experience

Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel: a successful job-site experience


E. Dal Negro / E. Plescia / M. Ossola / N. Grosso

The Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel is the southernmost portion of the new Alp Transit Railway Line crossing the Swiss Alps from South to North. After the Gotthard and Lötschberg Base tunnels, Ceneri Tunnel is the third largest railway tunnel project with his 15.4 km length. Tunnel project allows fast connection for passengers travelling through the Alps, both reducing goods-traffic through Switzerland. This important route will make possible to use long, heavy trains to ensure optimal connections through the Alps and will also shorten passenger-journey time between Zurich and Milan. The works were commissioned by AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd on behalf of the Swiss Confederation. In April 2005 the preliminary work began in Sigirino and Camorino on the basis of the plan approved by the Swiss Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communicatons. The Consorzio Condotte Cossi (a Consortium of companies formed by Società Italiana Condotte d’Acqua S.p.A., Cossi S.p.A. and LGV SA) is the contractor of the main section of the CBT (named Lot 852), consisting in the excavation of two parallel tunnels simultaneously attacked (northwards and southwards) by the intermediate side-adit of Sigirino (FIS). The side adit is located roughly in the middle of Ceneri Base Tunnel, consequently divides the twin tunnel into two parts of similar length (about 2x8 km in north direction and approximately 2x6 km in south direction).

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia