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Tunnel investigation based on hammering sound analysis on Grassmann Manifold


K. Tsuno / Y. Kubota / J. Ye / M. Murakawa / M. Iwata / T. Higuchi

Tunnels are fundamental civil infrastructures that greatly facilitate human life. In nowadays, more tunnels are coming to (or even exceeding) the design age, and thus, there is severe challenge to perform efficient condition assessment on aging tunnels so as to manage the risk of failure. In this regard, quite a number of studies have been carried out on tunnel maintenance such as developing advance inspection techniques [1] and devising efficient rehabilitation, replacement strategies [2]. The ultimate goal of all those work is to balance the cost of maintenance and reliability of structure. Among issues related to tunnel maintenance, a good understanding of overall structural condition is predominant, since it is the deterministic stage for any further process. To effectively exploit global condition of concrete tunnel, various non-destructive test (NDT) methods have been employed, including conventional impact-echo test and visual inspection and recent developed ones of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)-based method [3]. Although advanced GPR and UPV methods present favourable result for deep flaw detection in concrete, high price and low efficiency handicapped their popularities. In practise, conventional hammering inspection is still most applied measure due to its low-cost, high efficiency properties.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia