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EPB operation to avoid settlement problems


D. Simic

Urban tunnelling projects inevitably involve risks associated with construction-induced ground movements and their ef- fects on overlying buildings and facilities. Projects impose stringent limits on allowable ground movements (sometimes measured as vo- lume loss), and evaluate performance through careful monitoring at selected sections and structures along the tunnel alignment. In addi- tion, tunnel contractors often evaluate and refine their control systems during construction in order to meet these critical design constraints. Measurements of surface and sub-surface ground movements at free-field sites provide essential data for evaluating the performance of different tunnel construction methods and developing more reliable methods of prediction. This paper des- cribes the recent EPB construction of twin tunnels for Crossrail beneath Hyde Park in which the performance of the two TBMs is analyzed through analytical and numerical solutions that use parameters fitted to the field data. The back-fitted numerical solu- tions achieve excellent agreement with the measured close-to-face and far-field deformations and hence, provide important in- sight for evaluating the EPB performance using numerical predictions from comprehensive 3D finite difference models.

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Year 2015
City Dubrovnik
Country Croatia