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Abstract: This paper reports the construction of an underground structure by underpinning where the Tokyo Gaikaku Expressway crosses under the railway viaduct of the JR-Sobu Line without affecting train operation. A large-scale box culvert was immersed on both sides of the existing railway viaduct by pneumatic caisson method. In addition, the box culverts were used as foundations for piers which...
Abstract: This study proposes a new construction method for constructing a small section structure under railway tracks by non-open cut method.This method has the following 3 characteristics; 1) Ground surface displacement is reduced by a ground cutting wire saw in front of the cutting edge. 2) Attitude control jacks between the cutting edge and precast concrete boxes achieves detailed excavation...
Abstract: This paper outlines seismic damage to tunnels and seismic retrofit to prevent heavy seismic damage to mountain tunnels. Some tunnels had suffered heavy seismic damage from earthquakes in 2004 and 2007. Through detailed investigation of tunnels and ground properties around tunnels, authors confirmed the cause of the seismic damage. And, based on the damage analysis, authors categorized the...