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Abstract: The excavation of large caverns in urban areas densely populated, in soil and under the groundwater table is always a challenging and highly risky task. This is the case of the excavation with conventional methods of the large caverns of the extension of line 5 of São Paulo Metro. In this paper, the results of the excavation in terms of monitoring data will be compared with the theoretical and...
Abstract: The excavation of shafts and tunnels in urban area often occurs under the groundwater table. The choice of dewatering for construction (deep excavation) remains a challenging and highly risk task in densely populated urban areas. The solution of dewatering involves a series of evaluations about: i) the choice of dewatering method (well point, deep pumps, etc.) and the dimensioning of the...
Abstract: The São Paulo Metro line 5 involves different typical construction methods for the stations: cut&cover (in the configuration bottom-up and top-down), mined underground stations excavated with the NATM, multi-secant large diameter shafts. Special constraints at the Brooklin station site of the São Paulo Metro line 5 (polluted multilevel aquifers, reduced spaces for the construction site,...