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List of products by author: G. Brino

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 documents
  • Abstract: In June 2019, buildingSMART International (bSI, launched the development of a neutral format, IfcTunnel, to structure and optimize data exchanges for underground infrastructure projects that complements the already available standards for the exchange of roadways, railways and buildings projects information. The international team (40 experts) that drives this effort is...

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    Abstract: Due to growing importance of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) excavation method in tunnelling, tunnel designers require reliable and up-to-date performance prediction models. Most common models consider advance rate as a function of geology and machine parameters. Authors propose an innovative approach: mechanized tunnelling is an industrial process, so whole boring cycle has a substantial impact on...

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  • Abstract: Tunnelling industry is currently in a phase of deep change of paradigm thanks to widespread use of BIM digital twins, from design to Operations & Maintenance phases. This transition has to be intended as the fundamental step to achieve the complete digital integrated design of infrastructures. Authors propose a structured and coordinated design framework, covering all the involved specialties...

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 documents