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Counting the Cost of Tunnels Down Under

Counting the Cost of Tunnels Down Under


K. Woolley / J. Q. Cooper

In Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) a sentiment exists that constructing tunnels is significantly more expensive than in other parts of the world. In order to investigate this claim, AECOM has conducted extensive research in order to identify and quantify the numerous variables that influence tunnelling costs so that areas of potential cost reductions can be explored. Research included the creation of a global tunnel cost database, a series of interviews with key industry experts and the creation of an online survey that was sent to a wide range of experienced and specialist personnel in the tunnelling industry. After the removal of unreliable data, the database encompassed 157 tunnels from 35 countries. This paper considers whether ANZ is more expensive for tunnelling than the rest of the world, assesses some of the contributing factors to cost difference, and offers possible recommendations for cost saving opportunities in future tunnelling projects.

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Year 2014
City Foz do Iguaçu
Country Brazil